by Emily Voelker | Dec 5, 2024 | BIL, Collaborations, Data Handling and Analytics, News, Press release, PSC Staff Publications, Research, Uncategorized
Data visualized using the Napari-bil-data-viewer. Credit: Neuron Tracing: Luo, Qingming. (2022). fMOST_cells_182681. Brain Image Library. | fMOST Imaging: Dataset Citation: Luo, Qingming. (2024). fMOST_182681. Brain Image Library....
by Ken Chiacchia | Apr 3, 2018 | Press release
Finding Cause CMU Group Uses PSC’s Bridges to Nail Down Cause in Brain-Region Activity April 3, 2018 Why It’s Important: At first blush, fMRI seems magical. Doctors can put a person in an fMRI scanner and watch their brain work as they think, perform simple mental...
by Ken Chiacchia | Mar 28, 2016 | 2016Press
Stitching Thought Together PSC Powers Harvard’s, Allen Institute’s 3D-Reconstruction of Excitatory Visual Neuron Wiring March 28, 2016 Why It’s Important: One of the mysteries of brain function is how we make sense of the jumble of images that confront our eyes....