Biomedical Applications
The Biomedical Applications Group pursues cutting-edge research in high performance computing in the biomedical sciences. They foster collaboration between PSC experts in computational science and biomedical researchers nationwide.
Scientists in the Biomedical Applications Group develop computational methods and tools and conduct research on biomedical systems at the cell and tissue level with a focus on neural systems, such as the brain and the central nervous system.
Current projects and collaborations
Brain Image Library
- Brain Image Library (BIL), a national public resource and collaboration with CMU’s Molecular Biosensor and Imaging Center and the University of Pittsburgh’s Center for Biologic Imaging, enables researchers to deposit, analyze, mine, share and interact with large brain-image datasets.
- The Human BioMolecular Atlas Program (HuBMAP), a mapping system for human tissues funded by the National Institutes of Health, is a collaboration between PSC and the Department of Biomedical Informatics (DBMI) at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. PSC and DBMI are working with a number of other teams as part of the HuBMAP Integration, Visualization and Engagement (HIVE) Collaboratory.
- The Cellular Senescence Network (SenNet) is funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Common Fund and overseen in collaboration with the National Institute on Aging and National Cancer Institute. Through coordination by scientists in Pittsburgh, SenNet will create a navigable, 3D map of the body that offers data and analysis on cellular aging, shedding light on nerve degeneration, diabetes, cancer, and normal tissue functions.
Previous projects
- The National Center for Multiscale Modeling of Biological Systems (MMBioS) developed tools to advance and facilitate cutting-edge research at the interface between high performance computing and the life sciences. Our overarching goal was the predictive multi-scale modeling of the spatiotemporal organization and evolution of neuro-signaling systems and events.

Minority Access to Research Careers
- The Minority Access to Research Careers (MARC) program developed bioinformatics programs and academic courses at MARC institutions, leveraging our group’s expertise in bioinformatics. In collaboration with minority-serving partner institutions, we created a special technology transfer and outreach program to help increase minority participation in biomedical research. MARC’s primary aim was to increase participation in biomedical research among the underrepresented community through a broad-based program synergistically formulated to assist Minority Serving Institutions (MSI) to establish bioinformatics programs ranging in size from a single course to a degree program. Our program was unique in being both situated external to an MSI and in its focus on building and sustaining curricula and research programs at partner MSIs.