National Center for Genome Analysis Support
The mission of NCGAS is to enable the biological research community of the US to analyze, understand, and make use of the vast amount of genomic information now available. NCGAS focuses particularly on transcriptome- and genome-level assembly, phylogenetics, metagenomics/transcriptomics and community genomics.
What we do
NCGAS is a collaboration between Indiana University and Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center that is focused on supporting researchers with genomics projects funded by the National Science Foundation or aligned with the NSF mission. We provide computing resources, bioinformatics software, datasets, and consulting services to make it easier for scientists to do science. To inquire about getting access to PSC and NCGAS resources, email
Computing resources
We allocate time on Bridges-2, PSC’s newest supercomputer. Bridges-2 is ideal for genomics research because it has:
- Large memory nodes for de novo genome and transcriptome assembly; Bridges-2 has nodes with 4TB of memory
- Web-based science gateways, like Galaxy, which provide intuitive interfaces for running complex scientific pipelines and workflows. PSC users can run jobs from Trinity transcriptome assembly on Bridges is also supported without a PSC account from the main Galaxy site:
- Datasets hosted on Bridges-2’s persistent file system, providing easy access to large data. Email with inquiries about hosting data sets on Bridges-2.
An extensive array of genomics software is installed on Bridges-2. See the complete list here.
Consulting services
NCGAS provides specialists with bioinformatics and computing expertise to help you in every phase of your research. For access to NCGAS consulting services along with access to PSC compute systems, apply here. Additional information about NCGAS consulting services is available at
Get started
Ready to request NCGAS resources? Sign up here.
Contact us
Questions? Contact
NCGAS partners
PSC partners with Indiana University in NCGAS.
Work with a Team of Expert HPC Consultants
As a PSC user, personal consulting is available to you for all phases of computational science research and education projects, from inception to final results. This can include formulation of the problem, selection of the most suitable resource(s), code development and optimization, data storage, analysis and management.

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DBI-1458689 in collaboration with Indiana University under Grant No. DBI-1458641. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.