Blue Acres

PSC, XSEDE Support Gene Assembly of Key Aquaculture Species Commercial abalone “aquaculture”—farming the shellfish in enclosures—has exploded over the past decade, becoming a $100-million global industry. Understanding the DNA of the abalone is key to improving and...

Synergistic Voyage

Synergistic Voyage ECSS Collaboration Speeds, Expands Microrobotic Simulations Since the science fiction novel Fantastic Voyage—and before—people have been fascinated with the idea of shrinking our tools so that we could carry out miniature tasks with...

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Dollars?

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Dollars? CMU B School Researchers Use Bridges to Unpack How Photos Help Sell Property It’s not hard to believe that when you advertise a property, a good picture will help you sell or rent it. What isn’t so clear is what factors make for...

From the Director-Fall17

FROM THE DIRECTOR Welcome to the second issue of PSC Science Highlights.  I’m honored to follow in the footsteps of Michael Levine and Ralph Roskies, whose vision created PSC and then sustained it for more than three decades. Through their leadership and with the...

Choice Works

Choice Works PSC Models Show Value of Vaccine Choice in Fighting Flu Less than half of children and adults under age 65 get vaccinated for influenza. Researchers at PSC, the University of Pittsburgh and Soongsil University in the Republic of Korea used PSC...

The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread?

The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread Zebrafish Study Reveals First Fine Structure of a Complete Vertebrate Brain. Despite decades of stunning advances in imaging the brain and measuring its activity, we still don’t understand how even a simple vertebrate brain...