by Ken Chiacchia | Apr 17, 2018 | Science Highlights
Anton 2 Simulations Give Clue to Poorly Understood Role of Cellular “Bricks” Tubulin proteins are the cell’s “Lego bricks,”connecting with themselves into tubular structures that help give living cells shape and stiffness. But the protein may also play a role in...
by Ken Chiacchia | Apr 17, 2018 | Science Highlights
Pitt Researchers Use Bridges to Optimize Doctor Visits for Kidney Patients The biggest causes of death in developed countries—heart disease, cancer, chronic organ failure—are complex conditions that may be best treated by long-term management rather than attempting to...
by Ken Chiacchia | Apr 17, 2018 | Science Highlights
USING CLOUD-BASED “BACKFILL CYCLES” ON BRIDGES ENABLES VERY HIGH RESOLUTION FUNCTIONAL BRAIN IMAGING From children’s playing fields to professional stadiums to battle fields, doctors are more and more worried about traumatic brain injury (TBI) that lurks after a...
by Ken Chiacchia | Oct 20, 2017 | Science Highlights
PSC Interns Advance AI, Cybersecurity, System Administration Bridges-Powered Research Wins PEARC17 Award Early Successes on Anton 2 WVU awarded $1 million grant from NSF for new HPC cluster at PSCHPC cluster at PSC PSC Interns Advance AI,...
by Ken Chiacchia | Oct 20, 2017 | Science Highlights
The Future is STEM High School Students Use Bridges as Intro to Supercomputing The future of employment is increasinglySTEM-related. To prepare its students for higher-paying, computationally savvy jobs in science and industry, the North Carolina School...
by Ken Chiacchia | Oct 19, 2017 | Science Highlights
Inner Space Anton Simulations Uncover Importance of Empty Space for Protein Function Experiments can detect chemical changes on a scale as short as about a thousandth of a second. Most supercomputers can only simulate complex biomolecules for as long as a...