New Kernel Patch

The Web10G is happy to announce that we’ve ported the kernel patches forward to Linux 2.6.39 and Linux 3.0. We’ve also been able to fix a few bugs along the way so if you are interested in trying out Web10G we strongly suggest using the most recent patch...

Blacklight Goes to Work at the PSC

Blacklight Goes to Work at the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center The world’s largest shared-memory system, a resource of XSEDE, has rapidly proven itself as a productive tool in research across a range of fields. PITTSBURGH, November 9, 2011 — Blacklight has rapidly...

Weekly Reader Features PSC Tornado

Weekly Reader Features PSC Tornado PITTSBURGH, May 28, 2008 – The online edition of the classic children’s publication Weekly Reader recently featured a tornado animation produced at PSC. See the animated presentation here. PSC visualization specialist...