PSC at Supercomputing 2022 | Dallas, TX

PSC at Supercomputing 2022 | Dallas, TX

PSC will be participating in SC22 in Dallas, Texas from November 14-18, 2022.  Since 1988, the Supercomputing conference has hosted international experts in the fields of high performance computing, networking, storage, and analysis in an effort to facilitate the...
Summer Interns Finish on a High Note

Summer Interns Finish on a High Note

PSC offered students a variety of real-life, hands-on and skill-building projects during their internships this summer. A change from previous years’ internships, this year the students were able to present their research to members of the Carnegie Mellon community at...
Meet PSC’s Summer Interns

Meet PSC’s Summer Interns

We didn’t have to search hard to find qualified students for PSC’s Summer Internship Program.  Over 100 students applied for the five available positions. Let’s meet them and find out what projects they’re working on this summer.     Michael Ross, a senior...
Celebrating PSC Women in STEM

Celebrating PSC Women in STEM

PSC women are accomplished, talented, forceful, and share a wealth of knowledge and experience. As we celebrate Women’s History Month this year, we are excited to shine a spotlight on three PSC women who are making a difference in science, technology, engineering and...