Bridges Will Bring high performance Computing and Data Analysis to New Fields

In 2016, PSC’s newest supercomputer, Bridges, will go online. The $9.65-million, NSF-funded Bridges represents the culmination of lessons learned from PSC’s Blacklight supercomputer and the Data Exacell pilot project. Bridges will offer unprecedented flexibility along with vastly more power.

“We designed Bridges to benefit new communities and transform research by integrating high performance computing with Big Data and introducing new features for ease of use.” —Nick Nystrom, Bridges Principal Investigator and Project Director, PSC 

Serving New and Traditional HPC USERS
  • Artificial Intelligence Bridgescommunities2
  • Digital Humanities
  • Physical Sciences
  • Genomics
  • Economics
  • Public Health
Meeting Researchers’ Needs 
  • Expand research beyond the laptop Glymour bluebrain1
  • Bring the power of HPC to Big Data
  • Apply the power of HPC without the programming
  • Enable rigorous engineering design optimization
  • Support popular languages and environments such as Python, R, Hadoop, and Spark 
  • Accommodate a wide range of popular software
